Annual General Meeting on 06.11.2021 from 14:00 in Ilmenau (or online)

The Lighting Technology Department at the TU Ilmenau provides the setting for our annual general meeting this year. On the one hand it is the central location of the Thuringian Forest, secondly some inspiration from the Central German colour community (first and foremost J.W.v. Goethe), and thirdly the contextual framework of the TU - all together this makes the location perfectly suitable for our meeting.

The teaching and research of the Department of Light Technology covers the areas of physiological optics, light measurement technology, colourimetry, lamps, luminaires and lighting and irradiation technology. Accordingly, the department has special measurement technology and experimental set-ups - we will take an interesting and inspiring tour of the institute.We would like to thank the head of the institute, Professor Christoph Schierz, and the research assistant, Dr Karin Bieske, in advance!

Wir haben in Masserberg im Thüringer Wald, ca. 20 km entfernt von der TU Ilmenau, eine gemeinsame Unterkunft gemietet. Dort werden wir am Freitag und am Samstag mit ausreichend Zeit bei einem guten „Gläschen und Häppchen“ gemeinsame Pläne für die Zukunft der Farbe schmieden. Bitte teilen Sie uns frühestmöglich mit, wenn Sie dort Unterkunft wünschen – es gibt dort maximal 7 Zimmer.


If you would like to actively participate in the future work of the association or in projects, the association will pay for the above-mentioned accommodation and a travel allowance of up to 100 euros.

Your Holger Everding

Planned agenda

  • Determination of the proper invitation
  • Presentation of the candidates for the new Executive Board
  • Discharge and election of the Executive Board
  • Cash Report 2020 and Situation 2021
  • Report on current and planned activities
  • Financial planning for the coming year
  • Other

Nach den Rücktritten, der hoffentlich bald überstanden Corona-Situation und der hiermit verbundenen „Durststrecke“ sollen wichtige Weichen für die Zukunft des Vereins gestellt werden. Ultimately, it is about the future of colour. We hope that the AGM 2021 will be the starting point for the re-emergence of our movement.

You can also participate in the Annual General Meeting online:

→ Link to online participation via MS Teams

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  1. moin... the Hamburger says, even if he now lives in Saarland.

    Auch wenn ich sozusagen erst seit ‚paar Tagen‘ dabei bin, versuche ich persönlich „Tach“ zu sagen.
    If that doesn't work out, I hope to get to grips with the pitfalls of digital technology and have a look online.

    Greetings from Saarland
    Heiner Hildebrandt

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