Picular.co - "Google, but for Colors"

A new and interesting approach to colour search is offered by the website picular.co. It searches for colour tones using terms that are stored in the file names of bitmaps. The dominant colour is filtered out of the bitmap and shown on a large scale. Example: "Sky" finds numerous mid-tones.

If you move the mouse over the colour result, the underlying photo is displayed blurred. You can also transfer the colour to your own colour collection and transfer its hex value to the clipboard.

The procedure works well for things with clear colours, such as "lemon", "grass" etc. or for colour designations. However, results that deviate from the expectation are also displayed, e.g. "ultraviolet" shows yellow and green colour patches among others.

Picuar.co is suitable for quick brainstorming. If you are looking for a suitable company colour, for example, the site provides good hints. However, the results should not be weighed in the balance.

The slogan "Google, but for Colours" is a bit ambitious and misleading. This could also be understood as a search in collections of all manufacturers - like our online colour search, but even more extensive.

Link: www.picular.co

A new and interesting approach to search for colours is presented by picular.co. This tool uses Google's image search and relies on the terms associated with the images. The dominating colour tone is extracted from the picture and shown as a large swatch. Example: "sky" yields several (mostly) blue colours.

The hex value of each swatch is shown, and you can copy it to the clipboard by clicking on it. You can also pin it to a palette at the top of the page and even share this palette on social media or by means of a link saved to the clipboard. If you point your mouse to the picture icon, the underlying image is displayed in soft focus.

The procedure works fine for distinctly-coloured things such as "lemon", "grass", etc. or for colour names. However, unexpected results may also be shown; for instance, "infrared" yields a wide array of colours including red, orange, yellow, blue, and green.

Picular.co is suitable for a quick brainstorming. If one is looking for, say, a fitting corporate colour, the site provides good starting points. But you should take the suggestions with a pinch of salt.

The slogan "Google, but for Colours" may be a bit exaggerated and deceiving if you misinterpret it as a search across all commercial colour collections which it is not.

Link: www.picular.co

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