Latest Update 28.10.2020
As Hannover is now classified as a risk area, as is the home of the majority of our association members, the inner circle of the board will not meet in Hannover either. The accommodation shown in the picture above was cancelled today and the meeting will now take place as an online-only meeting from Colorgate, with only the current association chair and Messrs Kirschner and Stoye (temporarily) from Colorgate present on site.
Ich bedauere es sehr, denn gerade nach der Phase der Rücktritte und geringeren Aktivitäten der letzten Monate wäre es sehr sinnvoll gewesen, sich vor Ort persönlich zu treffen, um mit ausreichend Zeit und guter Stimmung bei einem guten „Gläschen und Häppchen“ sinnvolle gemeinsame Pläne für die Zukunft der Farbe zu schmieden. Leider lässt die Corona-Situation keine bessere Entscheidungsalternative zu.
Let's make the most of it - be there online!
Click here on 31.10.2020 at 13:55 to participate in the AGM 2020
(only for our club members)
Your Holger Everding
Annual General Meeting on 31.10.2020; 14:00-17:00 hrs
(online only)
In view of the ongoing Corona situation, we will have our Annual General Meeting online this year. A big thank you goes to ColorGATE GmbH, Mr. Kirschner and Mr. Stoye, for this possibility and its realisation!
Setting, place and idea
In the wake of the Corona crisis, the legislator has explicitly strengthened the online variant of association meetings, board elections, etc. This year's general meeting is therefore planned primarily as an online event. At ColorGATE GmbH in Hanover, the necessary technical prerequisites are in place - even in the event that all association members participate in the meeting. Of course, no online meeting can replace the real meeting of people, but it is, as many examples show, a viable substitute. As far as costs and time are concerned, the online variant offers great advantages and the chance that for the first time a large number of our members will participate and that the decisions taken will thus have a broad basis.
Planned agenda
- Determination of the proper invitation
- Discharge and election of the Executive Board
- Cash Report 2019 and Situation 2020
- Report on current and planned activities
- Financial planning for the coming year
- Discussion of amendments to the Articles of Association and their adoption
- Discussion of internal rules of procedure and their adoption
- Discussion of a strategy paper and its adoption
- Other
Nach den Rücktritten und der hiermit verbundenen „Durststrecke“ sollen wichtige Weichen für die Zukunft des Vereins gestellt werden. Ultimately, it is about the future of colour. We hope that the 2020 AGM will be the starting point for the re-emergence of our movement.
Amendments to the Statutes, Strategy Paper and Rules of Procedure
We will present and adopt three important cornerstones of our cooperation at the Annual General Meeting. Participate in the current preceding discussion process! Here are the links to the files:
- Annotated draft statutes 2020 (for comparison: currently valid Statutes 2016/17)
- Strategy paper, draft 2020
- Rules of Procedure, Draft 2020
The draft statutes will not be changed until the meeting.
URGENT Board members wanted
Candidates are still being sought for the Board of Directors, which will be completely re-elected at the Annual General Meeting. Join in!
The 1st chairperson is the most important external representative of the association. But not only or she has the authority to represent the association, but also the 2nd chairperson and the treasurer. The 2nd chairperson represents the chairperson, keeps minutes of meetings as secretary and draws up agreements. The treasurer keeps the account and the cash registers (D and CH), pays out amounts to claimants and makes transfers.
Mit anderen Worten: der Vorstand muss eng zusammen arbeiten und eine möglichst einheitliche Sprache sprechen, um sich nicht in die – evtl. nicht mehr vorhandenen – „Haare zu kriegen“. Das Alleinvertretungsrecht dreier Akteure bietet viel Zündstoff, die Alternative des gemeinsamen Vertretungsrechts ist aber erfahrungsgemäß nicht besser! Der Ausweg: Team players are welcome! Mit viel Arbeit ist keiner der zu vergebenden Posten automatisch verbunden, aber natürlich setzen wir auf Mitstreiter, die „freieFarbe“ nicht nur als Posten, sondern als Aufgabe verstehen, welche auch mal echten Einsatz erfordert.
The candidates have to be found at the assembly at the latest, but it might make more sense to be clear in advance who is likely to work together.