Scribus Skript „Colorchart“ by Greg Pittman

Gregory Pittman has written a useful script for the free layout software Scribus. It creates documents with colour fields from colour value text tables. The application is very simple: Start Scribus, select the script and then the Lab colour value file (.clf). The programme creates DINA4 pages with 49 colour patches each. Depending on the number of colours, it takes up to several minutes until all pages have been created. The Scribus file can of course also be output as a pdf.

Here you will find approx. 400 colour systems as CLF file.

For your own colour tables, create a plain text file (UTF-8) with lines in the form:
[Farbname][Tab][L-Wert][Tab][a-Wert][Tab][b-Wert] Geben Sie der Textdatei statt „.TXT“ die Endung „.CLF“, damit das Skript sie auswerten kann.

The script can be downloaded from the Downloads page can be downloaded.
Das leistungsfähige, aber kostenlose Layoutprogramm „Scribus“ finden Sie auf der Scribus homepage.

Gregory Pittman, MD, from Louisville/Kentucky is a retired neurologist. He has been intensively involved in programming since the early days of computers and Fortran IV in the 1960s. Today he works in the areas of Unix/Linux, Opensource and Python. He is a member of the Scribus development team. A contribution to freer colour - Thank you Greg!

1 comment
  1. Das Skript macht 49 Farbfelder pro Seite. In Scribus kann man die Dateien für die zukünftige Verwendung speichern unter „Benutzerdefinierte Paletten“.

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