What would it be like if our measures of length were called Hornbach cubit, Apple foot, Siemens metre, etc...? We would constantly have to compare measurements with each other, use tables and computers. The worst would be if the most important units of measurement were not regular in themselves and if their manufacturers even forbade us to compare them with others.
Nothing else is the case with colours!
Unbelievable in 2017: There are no highly accurate true colour samples for the most common colour models in practice, sRGB and CIELAB. A neutral standardisation of colour would be more than sensible - as it has long since taken place in almost all technical areas.
Every supplier of colour systems is cooking its own soup in 2017, the most important ones making sure that you can convert theirs into others as little as possible. And if you can, you have to buy expensive software to do so.
Wir finden: diesen Zustand mittelalterlicher Besitzstandswahrung sollte man ändern. Aufgrund der Verbreitung von Computern und mobilen Geräten sind die Modelle sRGB (mit der Umrechnung HSB) und CIEL*a*b* (mit der Umrechnung LCh/HLC) heute so weit verbreitet, dass sie als Standard-Farbmodelle gelten können. Was allerdings fehlt, ist eine hochexakte Darstellung dieser Farben „in echt“. Ein Display ist für Farbdarstellung nicht die erste Wahl, da er zu viel Ungenauigkeit mit sich bringt, die Farben nur in flüchtiger Form zeigt, stets dabei sein muss.
A good colour folding rule would show the colour space in question by means of regularly arranged systematic examples. Colour fans or colour chips would be suitable. The most suitable production method would be implementation in the form of paint colours. It would also be nice if important colour values for software and comparison colours for the "old" systems were included, if there were simple rules for free harmony calculation, or also accompanying software and comparison databases on the net...
More and more manufacturers would follow suit - the question "how do I implement this colour as..." would eventually be a thing of the past!
The whole thing is reminiscent of the hunt for the primeval meter at the end of the 18th century. The time for this is overripe, who would have the potential, who would join in?