Libre Graphics Meeting Saarbrücken

The Libre Graphics Community offers free alternatives to the commercial tools from Quark, Corel and Adobe. GIMP, Scribus, Inkscape and Krita can compete with the expensive solutions in terms of functionality. They run stably and are constantly being expanded and developed. The amazing thing is that the programmers work mainly on a voluntary basis, anyone can participate, and the programmes are published under free software licences. A sophisticated system of participation and publicly available source codes ensures that the constant further development works well. In some functions they are even ahead of the commercial competition, a recent example from the colour field: Scribus now allows the import of colour lists in the form of spectral data, this means that these colours are no longer defined for the printing or coating world (2° D50 or 10° D65), but are universally valid.

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Auf dem jährlichen LibreGraphics Meeting trifft sich diese „Branche“, diesmal war es Ende Mai in Saarbrücken. Ebenso bunt wie die Vertreter zwischen barfuß und Business war auch das Vortragsprogramm. Wir (Jan-Peter Homann, Holger Everding) waren eingeladen und stellten im Rahmen eines halbstündigen Vortrags die Sinnhaftigkeit freier Farbe und unsere praktischen Lösungen vor. Das Publikum war sehr interessiert an unserem Thema und äußerst versiert. Das Thema Farbe gewinnt in allen Grafikprogrammen an Wichtigkeit.

Our proposals

We would like to stimulate in the software world that

  • Colour dialogues can be equipped with Lab and HLC
  • colour palettes are available for the CIELAB subjects and the atlases
  • these colours are not only available as process colours (CMYK), but also as spot colours

Calculated colours such as the HLC Atlas jewellery colours, which are available as exact colour samples and can be formulated with our spectral data, are a real and better alternative. This is above all because they are freely calculable in every respect.

Alongside this, we would like to work towards making colour dialogues more practical and ergonomic. Besides a user-friendly revision of the existing dialogues, one could imagine 3D colour selection windows or such similar to our HLC atlas pages, in which gamut limits are also displayed. On the one hand, this would be more intuitive than the usual lists, on the other hand, one would quickly gain clarity about the implementation possibilities.

Here, too, the LibreGraphics community and software can play a pioneering role. We were able to establish important contacts with the developers.

All in all: a groundbreaking and successful weekend in the sense of colour liberation; it remains exciting ...
All lecture videos

Our LGM lecture as video
Our LGM presentation slides

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